Focus on the development of high anti-interference, high reliability of general and professional 8 bit and 32 bit MCU. Set research and development, production, after-sales in one.

 The company was established in 2017. The microcontroller team has nearly 20 years of experience, serving more than 3,000 customers, applying more than 10,000 kinds of products, and selling more than 10 billion chips in total.

 The company's products are widely used in personal care, small household appliances, disinfection and purification, electrical power, security alarm, etc., has gradually expanded from the field of consumer electronics to industrial control, automotive electronic equipment and other fields.

Product Center

Take the customer concept as the purpose to provide customers with satisfactory product design scheme


Wuxi Xijie microelectronics is an innovator in the semiconductor industry integrating design and production

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Wuxi Xijie microelectronics is an innovator in the semiconductor industry integrating design and production

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