The history of single chip microcomputer is not long, but it develops very rapidly. Its emergence and development are roughly synchronized with the emergence and development of microprocessors. Since Intel first launched 4-bit microprocessors in 1971, its development can be roughly divided into five stages. The following introduces the development of single chip microcomputer of Intel company as a representative. 1971-1976 was the primary stage of the development of single chip microcomputer.
In November 1971, Intel first designed a 4-bit microprocessor Intel 4004 with 2000 transistors / chip, equipped with RAM, ROM and shift register to form an mcs-4 microprocessor, and then introduced an 8-bit microprocessor Intel 8008, as well as 8-bit microprocessors successively promoted by other companies. 1976-1980 low performance single chip microcomputer stage.
Single chip microcomputer scheme
Represented by Mcs-48 series launched by Intel in 1976, it adopts a monolithic structure integrating 8-bit CPU, 8-bit parallel I / O interface, 8-bit timing / counter, ram and ROM on a semiconductor chip. Although its addressing range is limited (no more than 4 KB), there is no serial I / O, the capacity of ram and ROM is small, and the interrupt system is relatively simple, its function can meet the requirements of general industrial control and intelligent instruments Instruments, etc. 1980-1983 high performance single chip microcomputer stage. The high-performance 8-bit MCU launched at this stage generally has serial port, multi-level interrupt processing system and multiple 16 bit timers / counters. The capacity of on-chip RAM and ROM is increased, and the addressing range can reach 64 kb. Some on-chip are also equipped with a / D conversion interfaces. From 1983 to the end of 1980s, it was the stage of 16 bit single chip microcomputer. In 1983, Intel introduced the high-performance 16 bit MCU MCS-96 series. Due to its new manufacturing process, the chip integration is as high as 120000 transistors / chip. In the 1990s, single chip microcomputer developed to a higher level in all aspects of single chip microcomputer scheme integration, function, speed, reliability and application fields.